So, where was I before abandoning my blog shortly after the demise of my NXP lpc2378 board?
I was writing usb device firmware and making much success. Had purchased the 12Mbs beagle usb sniffer/protocol analyzer and began digging in ... but I didnt like the design of the lpc2378 usb device interface and the erroneous documentation that came along with it.
Given that the cost of a new lpc2378 would get me 3 or 4 fairly cheap arm cortex-m3 boards (also I have been dying to see what new features were added) I jumped at the opportunity to abandon the arm7tdmi architecture for the cortex-m3.
I have read the Cortex-m3 technical reference manual along with relevant parts (for the peripherals I need on this unit) of the STM32F1xx technical reference manual.
The goal is to get back to where I was before the lpc2378 died. And since I am big on following murphys law I bought a second STM23F1xx board ... from ebay for about $22 (shipping and handling included). This one will be the backup should something happen to the one I am currently using. Basically its an STM32F103rb verses an STM32F103c8
Ill be doing usb device firmware development in parallel with re-learning verilog on the Xilinx Spartan Board xcv250* while reading Michael D. Ciletti' Advanced Digital Design With Verilog HDL
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