/* ***************************************************************** *name: IE_egwu_monitor.h *author: Samuel Igwe *date: 12/03/2015 *description: IE_egwu_monitor program/command interpreter header. ***************************************************************** */ #ifndef IE_EGWU_MONITOR_H #define IE_EGWU_MONITOR_H #include "chip.h" #include "chip_lpc177x_8x.h" #include "uart_17xx_40xx.h" #include "IE_egwu_uartio.h" /* ************************************************************* *support variables ************************************************************* */ enum { MON_ERROR_CMD=0, MON_ERROR_ADDRESS, MON_ERROR_TOKEN, MON_ERROR_COMMANDS}; enum { MON_CMD_GO=0, MON_CMD_HELP, MON_CMD_LDUSB, MON_CMD_LDXMODEM, MON_CMD_MDB, MON_CMD_MDH, MON_CMD_MDW, MON_CMD_MWB, MON_CMD_MWH, MON_CMD_MWW, MON_CMD_RESET, NUM_MONITOR_COMMANDS}; union UN_ADDR { volatile unsigned int *ptrInt; volatile unsigned short *ptrShort; volatile unsigned char *ptrChar; }unAddr; struct MONITOR_CMDLINE { volatile int wdCmd; volatile int wdAddr; volatile int wdOpSize; volatile int wdVallen; }strCmdline; /* ************************************************************* *routines ************************************************************* */ void monitor_assist_reset(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline); void monitor_assist_go(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline); void monitor_assist_ldxmodem(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline); void monitor_assist_ldusb(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline); void monitor_assist_mwx(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline); void monitor_assist_mdx(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline); void monitor_assist_help(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline); void monitor_execution(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline); void monitor_flag_error(int wdErrorNum); int monitor_parse_cmdline(unsigned char *ptrCmdString, struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline); int monitor_get_next_token(unsigned char *ptrSrc, unsigned char *ptrDst, int DstSize); int monitor_search_table(unsigned char *ptrString, char *ptrTable[], int wdSize); #endif
/* ***************************************************************** *name: IE_egwu_monitor.c *author: Samuel Igwe *date: 12/03/2015 *description: monitor program/command interpreter and support * functions. ***************************************************************** */ #ifndef IE_EGWU_MONITOR_C #define IE_EGWU_MONITOR_C #include "IE_egwu_monitor.h" void (*ptrMonCmdFuncTable[NUM_MONITOR_COMMANDS])(struct \ MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) ={ monitor_assist_go, monitor_assist_help, monitor_assist_ldusb, monitor_assist_ldxmodem, monitor_assist_mdx, monitor_assist_mdx, monitor_assist_mdx, monitor_assist_mwx, monitor_assist_mwx, monitor_assist_mwx, monitor_assist_reset}; char *ptrMonErrorStrings[] = { "\r\ncommand error", "\r\ninvalid or non existent address", "\r\ntoken error"}; char *ptrMonCmdStrings[] = { "go", "help", "ldusb", "ldxmodem", "mdb", "mdh", "mdw", "mwb", "mwh", "mww", "reset"}; char *ptrBanner = { "\r\n..ie........\ \r\n..ieieie....\ \r\n..ie........\ \r\n..ieieie....\ \r\n..ie........\tIgbo Embedded\ \r\n..ieieie....\tEGWU v1,1 (c) 2015\ \r\n..ie........\tSamuel Igwe\n\n"}; char *ptrPrompt = "\r\negwu-> "; char *ptrMonUsage = { "\r\ngo address :\t jump to address\ \r\nldusb address :\t load file to address using USB\ \r\nldxmodem address :\t load file to address using xmodem+serial port\ \r\nhelp :\t display command table\ \r\nmdb|mdh|mdw addr len :\t display byte|word|dword at address\ \r\nmwb|mwh|mww addr val :\t write byte|word|dword to address\ \r\nreset :\t reset the lpc1778\n\n"}; /* ***************************************************************** *description: monitor executioner *inputs: struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline = pointer to * cmdline structure *note: clear screen * print banner * loop: * get string * call monitor_parse_string() * check result != -1 * take action * loop loop *............ *..ie........ *..ieieie.... *..ie........ *..ieieie.... *..ie........ *..ie........ *..ieieie.... *..ie........ *............ ***************************************************************** */ void monitor_execution(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) { volatile unsigned int wdTemp; unsigned char sbTemp[80+1]; uartio_printf("%s", (unsigned int)ptrBanner); while(1) { tclib_memset((unsigned char *)ptrStrCmdline, 0, sizeof(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE)); uartio_printf("%s", (unsigned int)ptrPrompt); if((uartio_gets((char *)sbTemp, 80)) < 4) continue; wdTemp = monitor_parse_cmdline(sbTemp, ptrStrCmdline); if(wdTemp >= MON_CMD_GO && wdTemp <= MON_CMD_RESET) ptrMonCmdFuncTable[wdTemp](ptrStrCmdline); } } /* ***************************************************************** *description: "reset" command *inputs: struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline = pointer to * cmdline structure ***************************************************************** */ void monitor_assist_reset(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) { uartio_printf("\n\rpreparing to reset board \n", 0); timer_delay_mS(1000); /*NVIC_SystemReset(); asm ("ldr r0, =0x10000004"); asm ("mov pc, [r0]"); Error: r15 not allowed here -- `mov pc,[r0]' */ /*do something with a register write to the FPGA that resets the entire system ... although this is only useful for rom code for now just jump to main*/ main(); } /* ***************************************************************** *description: "go" command *inputs: struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline = pointer to * cmdline structure ***************************************************************** */ void monitor_assist_go(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) { unsigned int wdTemp = ptrStrCmdline->wdAddr; uartio_printf("preparing to jump to address %x\n", wdTemp); timer_delay_mS(1000); // asm ("ldr r0, =wdTemp"); asm ("ldr sp, =0x10010000"); asm ("mov pc, r0"); } /* ***************************************************************** *description: "ldxmodem" command *inputs: struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline = pointer to * cmdline structure ***************************************************************** */ void monitor_assist_ldxmodem(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) { } /* ***************************************************************** *description: "ldusb" command *inputs: struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline = pointer to * cmdline structure ***************************************************************** */ void monitor_assist_ldusb(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) { } /* ***************************************************************** *description: "mwb/mwh/mww" commands *inputs: struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline = pointer to * cmdline structure ***************************************************************** */ void monitor_assist_mwx(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) { unsigned int wdTemp; union UN_ADDR *ptrAddr = &unAddr; ptrAddr->ptrInt = (volatile unsigned int *)ptrStrCmdline->wdAddr; if(ptrStrCmdline->wdOpSize == 1) { *ptrAddr->ptrChar = ptrStrCmdline->wdVallen; wdTemp = *ptrAddr->ptrChar; } else { if(ptrStrCmdline->wdOpSize == 2) { *ptrAddr->ptrShort = ptrStrCmdline->wdVallen; wdTemp = *ptrAddr->ptrShort; } else { *ptrAddr->ptrInt = ptrStrCmdline->wdVallen; wdTemp = *ptrAddr->ptrInt; } } uartio_printf("\n\r%x", wdTemp); } /* ***************************************************************** *description: "mdb/mdh/mdw" commands *inputs: struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline = pointer to * cmdline structure ***************************************************************** */ void monitor_assist_mdx(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) { volatile unsigned int wdRow, wdMaxRow, wdTemp, wdValPerRow = 8; volatile unsigned int wdCol, wdMaxCol, wdLastCol; volatile union UN_ADDR *ptrAddr = &unAddr; if(ptrStrCmdline->wdAddr== 0) { monitor_flag_error(MON_ERROR_ADDRESS); return; } else ptrAddr->ptrInt = (volatile unsigned int *)ptrStrCmdline->wdAddr; if(ptrStrCmdline->wdVallen == 0) ptrStrCmdline->wdVallen++; wdMaxRow = (ptrStrCmdline->wdVallen)/wdValPerRow; if(wdMaxRow == 0) wdMaxRow++; wdLastCol= (ptrStrCmdline->wdVallen)%16; for(wdRow = 0; wdRow < wdMaxRow; wdRow++) { uartio_printf("\r\n%x:\t", (unsigned int)ptrAddr->ptrInt); if(wdRow == (wdMaxRow - 1)) wdMaxCol = wdLastCol; else wdMaxCol = wdValPerRow; for(wdCol = 0; wdCol < wdMaxCol; wdCol++) { if(ptrStrCmdline->wdOpSize == 1) { wdTemp = *ptrAddr->ptrChar; ptrAddr->ptrChar++; wdTemp &= 0x0ff; } else { if(ptrStrCmdline->wdOpSize == 2) { wdTemp = *ptrAddr->ptrShort; ptrAddr->ptrShort++; wdTemp &= 0x0ffff; } else { wdTemp = *ptrAddr->ptrInt; ptrAddr->ptrInt++; } } switch(ptrStrCmdline->wdOpSize) { case 4: { uartio_printf("%x", ((wdTemp >> 24)&0x0ff)); uartio_printf("%x", ((wdTemp >> 16)&0x0ff)); wdTemp &= 0x0ffff; /*slide down to code below*/ } case 2: { uartio_printf("%x", ((wdTemp >> 8)&0x0ff)); wdTemp &= 0x0ff; /*slide down to code below*/ } case 1: { uartio_printf("%x ",(wdTemp)); break; } default: { } } } } uartio_printf("\n", 0); } /* ***************************************************************** *description: "help" command *inputs: struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline = pointer to * cmdline structure ***************************************************************** */ void monitor_assist_help(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) { uartio_printf("%s", (unsigned int)ptrMonUsage); } /* ***************************************************************** *description: command line parsing routine *inputs: char *ptrString = pointer to input string * struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline = pointer to * cmdline structure *output: int = 0 on success ***************************************************************** */ int monitor_parse_cmdline(unsigned char *ptrString,\ struct MONITOR_CMDLINE *ptrStrCmdline) { int wdTemp, wdArgCnt = 0; unsigned char sbToken[80+1]; tclib_memset((unsigned char *)ptrStrCmdline, 0, sizeof(struct MONITOR_CMDLINE)); ptrStrCmdline->wdCmd = -1; /*0 is a valid cmd index*/ while(1) { if((wdTemp = monitor_get_next_token(ptrString, sbToken, 80)) == 0) return (ptrStrCmdline->wdCmd); wdArgCnt++; switch(wdArgCnt) { case 1: /*command*/ { if((wdTemp = monitor_search_table(sbToken, ptrMonCmdStrings, NUM_MONITOR_COMMANDS)) == -1) { monitor_flag_error(MON_ERROR_CMD); return -1; } ptrStrCmdline->wdCmd = wdTemp; switch(wdTemp) { case MON_CMD_HELP: case MON_CMD_RESET: { ptrStrCmdline->wdOpSize = 0; break; } case MON_CMD_MDB: case MON_CMD_MWB: { ptrStrCmdline->wdOpSize = 1; break; } case MON_CMD_MDH: case MON_CMD_MWH: { ptrStrCmdline->wdOpSize = 2; break; } case MON_CMD_MDW: case MON_CMD_MWW: case MON_CMD_GO: case MON_CMD_LDXMODEM: case MON_CMD_LDUSB: default: { ptrStrCmdline->wdOpSize = 4; break; } } break; } case 2: /*address*/ { if(sbToken[1] == 'x' || sbToken[1] == 'X') ptrStrCmdline->wdAddr = tclib_atoi(sbToken+2); else ptrStrCmdline->wdAddr = tclib_atoi(sbToken); break; } case 3: /*value or length*/ { if(sbToken[1] == 'x' || sbToken[1] == 'X') ptrStrCmdline->wdVallen = tclib_atoi(sbToken+2); else ptrStrCmdline->wdVallen = tclib_atoi(sbToken); break; } default: { monitor_flag_error(MON_ERROR_TOKEN); return -1; } } } if(wdArgCnt < 4) return ptrStrCmdline->wdCmd; else return -1; } /* ***************************************************************** *description: token extraction routine *inputs: char *ptrSrc = pointer to input string * char *ptrDst = pointer to destination buffer * int wdSize = size of destination buffer *output: int = string length on success or 0 *operation: a) scan through ptrSrc extracting a string * b) see a non space char extract into ptrDst and * replace with space (convert to lower) * c) when space or NULL is encountered exit * d) return 0 on error or string lenght on success ***************************************************************** */ int monitor_get_next_token(unsigned char *ptrSrc,\ unsigned char *ptrDst,\ int wdSize) { int wdCount; char byValue; while(((*ptrSrc) != 0) && (*(ptrSrc) == ' ')) ptrSrc++; if((*ptrSrc) == 0) return 0; //for(wdCount = 0; ((*ptrSrc) != 0 && (*ptrSrc) != ' '); wdCount++) for(wdCount = 0; wdCount <wdSize; wdCount++) { if((*ptrSrc) == 0 || (*ptrSrc) == ' ') break; byValue = (*ptrSrc); *(ptrSrc++) = ' '; if(byValue >='A' && byValue <='Z') { byValue =('Z'- byValue); byValue += 'a'; } *(ptrDst++) = byValue; } (*ptrDst) = 0; return wdCount; } /* ***************************************************************** *description: error routine *inputs: int wdErrorNum = index into error table ***************************************************************** */ void monitor_flag_error(int wdErrorNum) { unsigned int wdAddr; if(wdErrorNum >= MON_ERROR_COMMANDS) return; else wdAddr = (unsigned int)ptrMonErrorStrings[wdErrorNum]; uartio_printf("%s\n", wdAddr); } /* ***************************************************************** *description: table search routine *inputs: char *ptrString = pointer to input string * char *ptrTable[] = pointer to MonCmdStrings table * int wdSize = NUM_MONITOR_COMMANDS *output: int = enum index into *ptrMonCmdStrings ***************************************************************** */ int monitor_search_table(unsigned char *ptrString,\ char *ptrTable[],\ int wdSize) { short wdTop = wdSize - 1; short wdMiddle = 0; short wdBottom = 0; short wdResult = 0; while(wdBottom <= wdTop) { wdMiddle = (wdTop + wdBottom); wdMiddle >>= 1; wdResult = tclib_strcmp(ptrString, (unsigned char *)ptrTable[wdMiddle]); if(wdResult == 0) return wdMiddle; if(wdResult < 0) wdTop = (wdMiddle - 1); else wdBottom = (wdMiddle + 1); } return -1; } #endif
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