So I have two boards at home. One populated with test points inserts and the other without. I have been using the latter, but I needed to probe some signals and mothballed it for now to use the other one.
So, I found a short on the former that was causing eratic behavior ... and something in excess of 4 volts on the output of the 3.3v regulator. Why that hadnt damaged all my 3.3v chips I shall never know.
Further analysis revealed the AMS1117 3.3v regulator was damaged and I figured that the DC adapter connector may have contributed to this. I had already replaced it once so I tore it out as well.
Used the hot air gun to replace the SOT* regulator and my soldering iron to replace the DC adapter. I had damaged the pad and trace to VCC_in on the
connector that I ran a wire through to the two regulators (3.3v and 5v) fed by VCC_in
Then used the continuity tester to verify the 3.3v regulator wasnt shorted between two pins
Pcb layout and component/solder side pics below.
Note to self:
be wary of multi voltage (aka Universal AC/DC) adapters. Two of the three I have (Electrix - UL certified) were producing incorrect output voltages for the various switch settings. At switch setting 9v ... dc meter read 12.7v. A the setting of 12v it was reading out 17.1v on my dmm
DITCH the stupid universal AC/DC adapters!!!
Stick with the 7.5v/1.5A regulated wall adapters I stocked specifically for this project
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