/* *********************************************************************** *name: peekstm32 *author: Samuel Igwe *date: 11/11/2013 A.D *description: stm32 host to usb peek and poke routine. *note: peekstm32 address = read address * peekstm32 address value = write value to address *compiled as: gcc -o peekstm32.out -lusb-1.0 linux/peekstm32.c *********************************************************************** */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <libusb-1.0/libusb.h> /*#define constants*/ #define STMUSB_VENDOR_ID 0xc0de #define STMUSB_PRODUCT_ID 0xfeed #define STMUSB_BULK_ENDP_OUT 0x1 #define STMUSB_BULK_ENDP_IN 0x81 #define STMUSB_CMD_PEEK 0 #define STMUSB_CMD_POKE 1 #define STMUSB_TIMEOUT 1000 /*structure*/ struct STR_PEEKSTM32 { unsigned int wdAddress; unsigned int wdValue; unsigned int wdMaxPktSize; struct libusb_device_handle *ptrHandle; struct libusb_device *ptrDevice; }strPeekStm32; void func_atexit(void); /* *********************************************************************** *description: main routine *inputs: int argc = count * char *argv[] = pointer to command line parameters *********************************************************************** */ main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int wdCount, wdTemp; char sbBuffer[64]; /* *********************************************************************** *check commandline parameters *********************************************************************** */ memset(&strPeekStm32, 0, sizeof(strPeekStm32)); switch(argc) { case 2: case 3: { strPeekStm32.wdAddress = \ (unsigned int)strtol(argv[1], (char **)NULL, 16); if(argc == 3) { strPeekStm32.wdValue = \ (unsigned int)strtol(argv[2], (char **)NULL, 16); } break; } default: case 0: case 1: { printf("[peekstm32]\toptions\n\t\tadddress value[optional]\n"); return 0; } } /* *********************************************************************** *initialize variables and atexit routine *********************************************************************** */ if(atexit(func_atexit) != 0) { printf("[peekstm32]\tatexit() failed\n"); return 0; } /* *********************************************************************** *initialize library *********************************************************************** */ if((wdTemp = libusb_init(NULL)) != 0) { printf("[peekstm32]\tlibusb_init() failed with %d\n",\ wdTemp); return 0; } if((strPeekStm32.ptrHandle=libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid(NULL,\ STMUSB_VENDOR_ID,\ STMUSB_PRODUCT_ID)) == NULL) { printf("[peekstm32]\tlibusb_open_device_vid_pid() failed\n"); return 0; } if((strPeekStm32.ptrDevice = libusb_get_device(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle)) == NULL) { printf("[peekstm32]\tlibusb_get_device() failed\n"); return 0; } if((wdTemp = libusb_kernel_driver_active(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle, 0)) !=0) { if((wdTemp = libusb_detach_kernel_driver(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle, 0)) !=0) { printf("[peekstm32]\tlibusb_detach_kernel_driver() failed with %d\n",\ wdTemp); return 0; } } else { if((wdTemp = libusb_claim_interface(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle, 0)) != 0) { printf("[peekstm32]\tlibusb_claim_interface() failed with %d\n",\ wdTemp); return 0; } } /* *********************************************************************** *get usb resources limits *********************************************************************** */ strPeekStm32.wdMaxPktSize = 0; for(wdCount=0; wdCount < 16; wdCount++) { wdTemp = libusb_get_max_packet_size(strPeekStm32.ptrDevice, wdCount); if(wdTemp != LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND && wdTemp != LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER) strPeekStm32.wdMaxPktSize = wdTemp; } if(strPeekStm32.wdMaxPktSize <8) { printf("[peekstm32]\tlibusb_get_max_packet_size() failed to return adequate value\n"); return; } /* *********************************************************************** *execute OUT transaction:COMMAND format is as follows: * byte 0 = command * byte 1 = length of data in bytes * byte 2 = 0xed * byte 3 = 0xfe * byte 4 = 32bit address * byte 5 = * byte 6 = * byte 7 = *********************************************************************** */ if(argc == 2) /*IN*/ { sbBuffer[0] = STMUSB_CMD_PEEK; sbBuffer[1] = 8; /*8*/ } else { sbBuffer[0] = STMUSB_CMD_POKE; sbBuffer[1] = 12; /*8 + 4 byte (dword)value*/ } sbBuffer[2] = 0xed; sbBuffer[3] = 0xfe; memcpy(sbBuffer+4, &strPeekStm32.wdAddress, sizeof(int)); wdTemp = libusb_bulk_transfer(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle,\ STMUSB_BULK_ENDP_OUT,\ sbBuffer,\ 8,\ &wdCount,\ STMUSB_TIMEOUT); if(wdTemp != 0) { printf("[peekstm32]\tlibusb_bulk_transfer() command failed with %d\n",\ wdTemp); return 0; } /* *********************************************************************** *execute IN or OUT transaction depending on whether PEEK or POKE sought *********************************************************************** */ if(argc == 2) /*IN*/ { if((wdTemp =libusb_bulk_transfer(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle,\ STMUSB_BULK_ENDP_IN,\ (char *)&(strPeekStm32.wdValue),\ 4,\ &wdCount,\ STMUSB_TIMEOUT)) != 0) { if(wdCount == 0) { printf("[peekstm32]\tlibusb_bulk_transfer() data failed with %d\n",\ wdTemp); return 0; } } printf("[%x] = %x\n", strPeekStm32.wdAddress,\ strPeekStm32.wdValue); return 0; } else /*OUT*/ { memcpy(sbBuffer, &strPeekStm32.wdValue, sizeof(int)); if((wdTemp = libusb_bulk_transfer(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle,\ STMUSB_BULK_ENDP_OUT,\ (char *)&(strPeekStm32.wdValue),\ 4,\ &wdCount,\ STMUSB_TIMEOUT)) != 0) { printf("[peekstm32]\tlibusb_bulk_transfer() data failed with %d\n",\ wdTemp); return 0; } } /* *********************************************************************** *atexit *********************************************************************** */ return 0; } /* *********************************************************************** *description: at exit routine *********************************************************************** */ void func_atexit(void) { if(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle != NULL) { libusb_release_interface(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle, 0); libusb_close(strPeekStm32.ptrHandle); } return; }
Monday, November 11, 2013
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