My solution?
The realization that the external pin ALONE does not produce enough current to drive the USB D+ pin high. So my work around was to take a 3 position jumper and tie all three leads together - and plug it into J6 effectively driving D+ to vcc by DEFAULT.
Then connect one of the jumper positions to pin PA0. Now when the software loads it calls stm32_usb_disconnect_pullup() which sets PA0 as an output and pulls it down to ground (0). then later when the user presses "c" on the terminal I call stm32_usb_connect_pullup() which sets PA0 as in input and floating - which drives D+ back up to VCC. This results seen on my Total Phase USB Sniffer is as I expected!!!
Yeah ... thats me
/* ********************************************************************** *description: setup particular portA pin to an input, so its no * longer driving the pin *input: unsigned int wdPin = PAx pin number to use. it must be * portA block pins ONLY *note: this should be called inside the usb isr on RESET flag *implemented: using three position jumper pin with all three wire * wrapped linked - and a jumper from PAx to one of the * positions ********************************************************************** */ void stm32_usb_connect_pullup(unsigned int wdPin) { volatile unsigned int wdTemp, wdMask; wdTemp = (*PTR_STM32_GPIO_A_CRL); wdTemp &= ~(0x0f << (wdPin << 2)); wdMask = ((STM32_GPIO_CNF_IN_FLOATING << 2) | \ STM32_GPIO_MODE_INPUT_MODE) << (wdPin << 2); (*PTR_STM32_GPIO_A_CRL) = (wdMask | wdTemp); } /* ********************************************************************** *description: I am using PAX (external wire to Dplus pin on J6 facing * the USB connector) to pull up the line to trigger the * USB HOST enumeration. * setup PAX to generic output. pull it high *input: unsigned int wdPin = PAx pin number to use. it must be * portA block pins ONLY ********************************************************************** */ void stm32_usb_disconnect_pullup(unsigned int wdPin) { volatile unsigned int wdTemp, wdMask; (*PTR_STM32_GPIO_A_BSRR) = ((1 << wdPin) << 16); wdTemp = (*PTR_STM32_GPIO_A_CRL); wdTemp &= ~(0x0f << (wdPin << 2)); wdMask = ((STM32_GPIO_CNF_OUT_GEN_PUSH_PULL << 2) | \ STM32_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2MHZ) << (wdPin << 2); (*PTR_STM32_GPIO_A_CRL) = (wdMask | wdTemp); }
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